Bianca Cecato, Ph.D.

Bianca Cecato, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

SPI - uOttawa

Welcome to my website!

I am a Posdoctoral Fellow and Researcher at the Smart Prosperity Institute at the University of Ottawa. I hold a Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia, where I studied topics at the intersection of economics and the environment. At SPI my main job is conducting research on nature-based solutions for climate, with a particular focus on market mechanisms to store more carbon in forests, while also conserving biodiversity and helping develop sustainable Indigenous economies. My other research interests include environmental justice and pollution control, as well as projects focused on developing countries, more specifically and on how lead pollution and education outcomes in Mexico. Before joining UBC, I worked as a research analyst for the Office of the Chief Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank in Washington DC, on projects based in Latin America. When I am not in front of my computer, you can find me here.

  • Environmental economics
  • Sustainability
  • Climate change economics
  • Applied econometrics
  • Nature-based solutions
  • Ph.D. in Environment and Resource Economics, 2023

    University of British Columbia

  • MA in Economics, 2015

    PUC - Rio

  • BA in Economics, 2012

    FGV - Rio

Public Engagement and Blog Posts


Working Papers

“The Impact of Lead Exposure on Education: Evidence from Mexico”, with Erin Litzow, Mauricio Romero, and Tatiana Zarete

“Newspapers, Information, and Enforcement of Environmental Laws”[Latest version (2023) - Chapters 1 and 2 in my PhD dissertation]

“Can Migration Mitigate Weather and Climate Damages?”, with Frederik Noack and Patrick Baylis[Latest version (2023) - Chapter 3 in my PhD dissertation]

Policy Reports

Unlocking the Economic Power of Natural Climate Solutions, a Smart Prosperity Institute Report (2024).

Lower Fraser Valley Visual Air Quality Pilot Study, in partnership with Metro Vancouver. UBC Sustainability Scholars report (2019).

Work in Progress

“Environmental Justice and Enforcement of Pollution Standards”, with Phuong Ho and Almira Salimgarieva. Abstract here


Panel Presentations

“Economic and Financial Incentives to Accelerate Sustainable Practices in Forests”" - Presented at the International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA)’s Climate Change Conference, on April 18, 2024.
